The Magical of Wedding Ring

Nice ilustration. Boleh percaya boleh nggak lho 🙂

Mengapa Cincin Pernikahan Harus Ditaruh di jari manis?? Coba ikuti langkah berikut ini, Tuhan benar2 membuat keajaiban (ini berasal dari kutipan Cina)   :

1. Pertama, tunjukkan telapak tangan anda, jari tengah ditekuk ke dalam (lihat gambar)

2. Kemudian, 4 jari yang lain pertemukan ujungnya.

3. Permainan dimulai, 5 pasang jari tetapi hanya 1 pasang yang tidak terpisahkan…

4. Cobalah membuka ibu jari Anda, ibu jari menwakili orang tua, ibu jari bisa dibuka karena semua manusia mengalami sakit dan mati.  Dengan demikian orang tua kita akan meninggalkan kita suatu hari nanti.

5. Tutup kembali ibu jari anda, kemudian buka jari telunjuk Anda, jari telunjuk mewakili kakak dan adik Anda, mereka memiliki keluarga sendiri, sehingga mereka juga akan meninggalkan kita.

6. Sekarang tutup kembali jari telunjuk anda, buka jari kelingking, yang mewakili anak2.  cepat atau lambat anak-anak juga akan meninggalkan kita.

7. Selanjutnya, tutup jari kelingking Anda, bukalah jari manis Anda tempat dimana kita menaruh cincin perkawinan Anda, Anda akan heran karena jari tersebut tidak akan bisa dibuka. Karena jari manis mewakili suami dan istri, selama hidup Anda dan pasangan akan terus melekat satu sama lain.

Real love will stick together ever and forever..

Thumb represent parents
Second finger represent brothers & sisters
Centre finger represent own self
Fourth finger represent your partner
Last finger represent your children

notes : pasti baca postingan ini sambil mainin jari deh ;))


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You & I Both

Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me?
while things are gonna happen naturally
Oh, taking your advice I’m looking on the bright side
And balancing the whole thing.

Oh, but at often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright light turns to night
Oh, until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others only read of
Others only dream of, of the love
Of the love that I loved

See I’m all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words;
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words.
More words than I had ever heard, and I feel so alive.

Oh,then you and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore

And with this silence brings a moral story
More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of (of, of)
And others just read of
And if you could see me now
Well, then I’m almost finally out of
I’m finally out of
I’m finally deedeedeedeedeedee
Well I’m almost finally, finally
Well I am free
Oh, I’m free

And it’s okay if you had to go away
Oh, just remember the telephones
well, they work in both ways
But if I never ever hear it ring
If nothing else I’ll think the bells inside
Have finally found you someone else and that’s okay
Cause I’ll remember everything you sang

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of (of, of)
And others just read of
and if you could see me now
Well, then I’m almost finally out of
I’m finally out of
I’m finally deedeedeedeedeede
Well I’m almost finally, finally
Out of words


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